Tagiarkisto ‘most fascinating’

* Only once this year

Kirjoitettu 13.05.2011 - halloweenieth. Kategoriassa Luokittelematon.

* I like trying new things

Kirjoitettu 1.04.2011 - halloweenieth. Kategoriassa Luokittelematon.




Guess what

Tagit: .

* Wha-

Kirjoitettu 17.10.2010 - halloweenieth. Kategoriassa Luokittelematon.

* Aiming for Eisner… not

Kirjoitettu 24.09.2010 - halloweenieth. Kategoriassa Luokittelematon.

^ I’m not even American.

Rot In Pieces you bloody banana fly. >:I

Tagit: , .

* I’m infected :/

Kirjoitettu 24.09.2010 - halloweenieth. Kategoriassa Luokittelematon.

* Lots of energy+sleep deprivation+drawing tablet=… oh shit

Kirjoitettu 18.09.2010 - halloweenieth. Kategoriassa Luokittelematon.

Hello everybody.
Whoa, what time it’s been! So timey time I haven’t gotten chance to update, gee-whiz.
To be honest I’ve been a very lazy ass. This entry describes my current self very well.

Anyway. I’m afraid you still have to wait for proper comic a while longer (I can almost hear massive “WAAAAH!” from my readers )

So I present:

Ei perkele…
This is shit. That was drawn in less than 20 minutes, after 11 PM. This blog is getting terrible… Or my drawings are, to be precise.

Anyway, Ciao until we see again. Oh god I am so, so tired. 😐

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* Asdfgh.

Kirjoitettu 1.09.2010 - halloweenieth. Kategoriassa Luokittelematon.

I’ve said that once before, and I will say it many times more.

Wow, two more things. Gneh.

Tagit: , , .

* Meh.

Kirjoitettu 21.08.2010 - halloweenieth. Kategoriassa Luokittelematon.

My macBook is at the computer wizard’s place because of the dark screen, so no scanning for a while, which means no comics. Meh. But worry not! Internet is full of pictures!
here’s one that pretty much describes my day.
Paranoid Parrot
Now your state of amusement is secured until the next post.
So I saw Inception. Very good movie.

Tagit: , .

* Teachers see me drawin’, they hatin’

Kirjoitettu 13.08.2010 - halloweenieth. Kategoriassa Luokittelematon.

Apologies for the stupidest caption ever.
My scanner decided to produce the whole comic instead of a panel-puzzle (it cropped them that way). I’m glad.

And the bonus: The second-day sketches (or how I spend boring moments).

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