Tagiarkisto ‘soul music’

* Recycled context

Kirjoitettu 26.11.2011 - halloweenieth. Kategoriassa Luokittelematon.

Oingo Boingo logo wasn’t drawn by me

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* Just a fool’s paradise

Kirjoitettu 10.08.2010 - halloweenieth. Kategoriassa Luokittelematon.

Badly drawn and horribly colored, but it’s better than nothing. Just until my old comic diary turns out from its whereabouts so I can scan my Swedish invasion stuff.

Something interesting happened to my hair and headphones in the last two panels.
TRANSLATION (because most of my readers don’t speak this weird language):
Panel 1: I feel distressed “Now I feel like doing something useful”
2: I feel angsty “I can’t do anything!”
3: I feel sad “Nothing is worth anything” (extremely hard translation in my opinion, if you have better let it out)
4: I feel depressed “Let’s just all die away!”
5: “Now I need some antidepressant here and quick!”
6: -you can read-
7: Quote from Oingo Boingo’s Nothing Bad Ever Happens. Indeed, Oingo Boingo once again saved me from the gloominess.

Hups oho minähän puhun hyvää suomea, sen pitäisi olla “mikään ei kannata”. Vai… äh, nevamaind.

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