Tagiarkisto ‘moving pictures’

* Crybabe

Kirjoitettu 1.09.2010 - halloweenieth. Kategoriassa Luokittelematon.

Happens every time.
That movie got 5 stars out of 5 from me.

And there’s a lie in there, the coolest people DO show emotions.

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* Meh.

Kirjoitettu 21.08.2010 - halloweenieth. Kategoriassa Luokittelematon.

My macBook is at the computer wizard’s place because of the dark screen, so no scanning for a while, which means no comics. Meh. But worry not! Internet is full of pictures!
here’s one that pretty much describes my day.
Paranoid Parrot
Now your state of amusement is secured until the next post.
So I saw Inception. Very good movie.

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* Casual Friday

Kirjoitettu 13.08.2010 - halloweenieth. Kategoriassa Luokittelematon.

In the honor of this day, here’s some cliche-art.

Friday The 13th theme is probably copyrighted to the movie folks.

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