Kuukausiarkisto June, 2010

* About cabin fever, boredom and kites.

Kirjoitettu 26.06.2010 - halloweenieth. Kategoriassa Luokittelematon.

Oh bloody hell how did I mess that upper file’s size THAT bad? Oh what the heck. If the text on the side bothers you click the picture for full view.
This calligraphy marker is fucked up.

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* Copy + paste, repeat

Kirjoitettu 12.06.2010 - halloweenieth. Kategoriassa Luokittelematon.


I’m sorry for this horribly awful quality, I deserve to be eaten alive by Daleks. Just deal with it, the next entry will look better.

Tagit: , , .

* Like a slug in tar (from May)

Kirjoitettu 12.06.2010 - halloweenieth. Kategoriassa Luokittelematon.


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